• Photo session

    Work session

    Baby shower

    Wedding shower

    Social event


    and so on!

  • Use of the full studio space

    Use of all props

    Bathroom access

    Kitchenette access

  • Standard hours are 8:00 - 5:00 Monday through Friday

    After hours and weekends available upon request

  • If the event needs to be canceled, payment may be applied toward another available date.

    You can only reschedule once per reservation. (You cannot reschedule the same reservation more than once.

    We must be alerted more than 24 hours in advance, otherwise there will be no reschedule date available.

  • 1201 Keosauqua Way, Suite 203, Des Moines, IA

  • There won’t always be an owner on site, but occasionally yes! One of us may be hanging out in our office nook, which is separate from the main studio space.

  • Yes, there is a restroom in the building.

  • We are working on getting WIFI to you guys ASAP! :)

  • Yes, you can find free parking in front of and on the side of our building.

  • Absolutely! Reach out via our contact form to set up a tour!